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gcc file specs

One feature not so known about gcc are specs files

gcc -dumpspecs >spec

output the built-in specs file

If we need to add some option, compile/link flag to be used always or on some condition we can add it to the dumped spec file, example:

-rpath /opt/someroot/lib

add always the rpath to the link options, we can try the spec file with the command line:

gcc -specs=spec test.c
readelf -d a.out |grep RPATH

on startup gcc/g++ look for a spec file on the filesystem, we can guess the full path with strace and grep:

strace -fF -o /tmp/g++.log g++ test.cpp
grep specs /tmp/g++.log

if we build our toolchain we can add a configure option --with-specs=, the argument is a spec code, it isn’t shown on -dumpspecs but will be used, example:

--with-specs="%{shared:-Wl,-rpath -Wl,$(DESTDIR)/lib}%{!shared:-Wl,-rpath -Wl,$(DESTDIR)/lib}"