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GNU/make define/eval

I like make, it allow to automate complex tasks with not much code, and it make handling dependencies very easy.

For a simple test based on few packages I wrote this define:

define configure-rule
$(1)_install = $(DESTDIR)/$(1)-install-my-stamp
$(1)_builddir = $$($(1)_dir)/build
$(DESTDIR)/$(1)-install-my-stamp: $$($(1)_deps)
ifneq ($$($(1)_pre_config),)
    mkdir -p $$($(1)_builddir)
    cd $$($(1)_builddir) && \
        $$($(1)_env) ../configure --cache-file=$(SRCDIR)/$(1)-config.cache \
    $(NICE) make -C $$($(1)_builddir) $$($(1)_make_target) $(PARALLEL)
ifneq ($$($(1)_post_make),)
    touch $$@
.PHONY: build-$(1) clean-$(1)
build-$(1): $$($(1)_install)
    -rm -fr $$($(1)_builddir) $$($(1)_install) $(SRCDIR)/$(1)-config.cache

Then use few variables for each packet:

mpc_dir = src/mpc-0.8.1
mpc_env =   CONFIG_SITE=$(SRCDIR)/config.site
mpc_configure = --prefix=$(DESTDIR) \
                --disable-shared --enable-static \
                --with-gmp=$(DESTDIR) --with-mpfr=$(DESTDIR)
mpc_deps = $(untar_dep) $(gmp_install) $(mpfr_install)
mpc_make_target = install
$(eval $(call configure-rule,mpc))

The complete Makefile.gz, it build gcc-4.7.2 but has been used for test purpose only, don’t use it as reference for building gcc.