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Php dependecies resolver

based on this article: Dependency resolving algorithm and the python snippet below:

def dep_resolve(node, resolved, unresolved):
   for edge in node.edges:
      if edge not in resolved:
         if edge in unresolved:
            raise Exception('Circular reference detected: %s -> %s' % (node.name, edge.name))
         dep_resolve(edge, resolved, unresolved)

a Php implementation to use with CodeIgniter to enqueue scripts like WordPress:

class DepsNode {
    public $name;
    public $edges = array();

    function __construct($name) {
        $this->name = $name;

    function addEdge($edge) {
        array_push($this->edges, $edge);

class JsDepNode extends DepsNode {
    public $src;
    public $deps;
    public $version;
    function __construct($name, $src, $deps = array(), $version = '') {
        $this->src = $src;
        $this->deps = $deps;
        $this->version = $version;


class Jsdeps {
    public $scripts = array();
    public $resolved = array();

    public function enqueue($name, $src, $deps = array(), $version = '') {
        $script = new JsDepNode($name, $src, $deps, $version);
        foreach($deps as $dep) {
        $this->scripts[$name] = $script;

    public function render() {
        $unresolved = array();
        foreach($this->scripts as $script) {
            $this->dep_resolve($script, $this->resolved, $unresolved);
        foreach ($this->resolved as $script_name) {
            $script = $this->scripts[$script_name];
            $ver = $script->version !== '' ? '?'.$script->version : '';
            echo "<script src=\"{$script->src}{$ver}\"></script>\n";

    public function test() {
            $a = new JsDepNodex("a");
            $this->scripts["a"] = $a;
            $b = new JsDepNodex("b");
            $this->scripts["b"] = $b;
            $c = new JsDepNodex("c");
            $this->scripts["c"] = $c;
            $d = new JsDepNodex("d");
            $this->scripts["d"] = $d;
            $e = new JsDepNodex("e");
            $this->scripts["e"] = $e;

            $a->addEdge($b->name);    # a depends on b
            $a->addEdge($d->name);    # a depends on d
            $b->addEdge($c->name);    # b depends on c
            $b->addEdge($e->name);    # b depends on e
            $c->addEdge($d->name);    # c depends on d


            $unresolved = array();
            $this->dep_resolve($a, $this->resolved, $unresolved);
            foreach($this->resolved as $node) {
                echo "- $node\n";

    public function dep_resolve($node, &$resolved, &$unresolved) {
        if(in_array($node->name, $resolved))
        array_push($unresolved, $node->name);
        foreach($node->edges as $edge) {
            if(!in_array($edge, $resolved)) {
                if(in_array($edge, $unresolved)) {
                    log_message('error', "Jsdeps: circular reference: {$node->name} -> {$edge}");
                $this->dep_resolve($this->scripts[$edge], $resolved, $unresolved);
        array_push($resolved, $node->name);
        $k = array_search($node->name,$unresolved);
        if($k!==false) {

Php and Javascript template engines

I thought would be nice to have a template engine with the same syntax for both Php and Javascript, I’m thinking about a website which could work on Php only then scale with Javascript, below a list of something that already exist:

  1. jquery-tmpl: jquery-tmp is deprecated from jquery and abandoned.
  2. Smarty: smarty have a nice syntax and is powerful but too much for my needs, I didn’t checked the status and compatibility of jsmart.
  3. mustache: so far the most interesting, pre-compiled templates in Javascript, cached on Php, same syntax for both languages, there’s also handlebars.js which is compatible to some degree.
  4. twig: interesting but the compatibility of twig.js is still partial, a subset.
  5. underscore: would have been interesting because is a dependency of Backbone.js, sadly the syntax is different, would require a different template for each language.

So, mustache seems to be most interesting, I’ll give a try sooner or later, in the while I been tempted (still) to write my own, inspired by something simple like JavaScript template engine in just 20 lines and JavaScript Micro-Templating. The target would be a template engine with the same exact syntax for both Php and Javascript, a generator, script or command, which given a template would create a function for both the languages (eventually any language introducing a output backend concept).

Doing some fast test immediately shown an horrific implementation design, Javascript’s (json) objects are unsorted (arrays are sorted).