3d adt android apache2 app apt aria2 build bullet cflags chromium codeigniter debian demoscene dependencies dpkg driver emulator freeglut gcc gfx git glut htaccess javascript json kernel linux make metalink minimal mysql opengl php python raspbian realtime rpi specs template toolchain update-alternatives video wifi wordpress

git dynamic mail by url using the post-checkout hook

mkdir ~/.git-templates

git config --global init.templatedir ~/.git-templates

git config -l

mkdir -p ~/.git-templates
tar -xvzf git-templates.tgz -C ~/.git-templates

get the url

cd ~/some-git-repo
git ls-remote --get-url 'origin'

EDIT ~/.gitconfig and add an entry

[user "url-from--get-url"]
    email = sample@eml
    name = name surname

check it is working

git clone <url-from--get-url> 

references: git-templates.tgz

composer and local/lan git packages

create the external package repository

    cd ~/src/repo
    git init --bare package.git

clone the package and create the basic tree

    cd /tmp
    git clone /path/package.git
    cd package
    mkdir -p src
    touch src/file_with_classes.php
    touch composer.json

edit composer.json

        "name": "vendor/package",
            "autoload": {
                "classmap": ["src/"]

I’m using classmap because I want more classes in the same php file, but there are more options, if using classmap remember to refresh the autoloader when classes are added/removed (composer -o dumpautoload)

and commit-push

    git commit src/file_with_classes.php composer.json
    git push

initialize composer within the new project

    cd project/backend
    composer init

edit composer.json

    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": "/home/user/src/repo/package.git"

or, if using lan repositories shared with something like

git daemon --base-path=. --export-all --verbose --enable=receive-pack

edit composer.json

"repositories": [
        "type": "vcs",
        "url": "git://"
"config": {
    "secure-http": false

require the package within the project

    composer require "vendor/package" "dev-master"


create a repository

cd /var/git
mkdir my-new-repo.git
cd my-new-repo.git
git --bare init


SetEnv GIT_PROJECT_ROOT /var/git
ScriptAlias /git/ /usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} service=git-receive-pack [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /git-receive-pack$
RewriteRule ^/git/ - [E=AUTHREQUIRED:yes]

<LocationMatch "^/git/">
        Order Deny,Allow
        Deny from env=AUTHREQUIRED
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "Git Access"
#        Require group committers
#        Satisfy Any
        AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/passwd.git
        Require valid-user

enable the conf, create the user/password

a2enconf git-http    
htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/passwd.git <user>
# restart apache

Having an alien FILE-edited.c find which version in git repository is the most similar

git log --pretty=format:%h FILE.c | \
while read -r HASH ; do \
    git checkout $HASH; \
    WCL=$(diff FILE.c FILE-edited.c|wc -l); \
echo "$WCL $HASH"; done |sort |head

rsync from sourceforge and migrate to git

rsync -av "PROJECT.cvs.sourceforge.net::cvsroot/PROJECT/*" /tmp/old-cvs

cd /tmp/new-git
git cvsimport -A /tmp/names -o master -d /tmp/old-cvs module

where /tmp/names have the format:

unixname=Real Name <mail>